Mediterranean Diet Eases PTSD Symptoms

A recent study found that eating a Mediterranean diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fish may help decrease the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

According to the Nature Mental Health journal, the study looked at the relationship between “gut microbiome” and dietary practises and trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms in 191 women who were involved in a smaller study as part of a larger ongoing project on women’s health.

As stated in the journal, “We showed that higher levels of PTSD symptoms were linked to less adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern, and this association was also linked to specific PTSD putative protective species like Eubacterium eligens.”

The journal found that the women who ate Mediterranean food did, in fact, have fewer symptoms of PTSD.

The study found that eating more red and processed meats was associated with more symptoms of PTSD, while eating more plant-based foods was linked to fewer symptoms.

Professor of pathology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine Carol Shively told NBC News that the study might help recommend foods for people who are at risk of a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as those in the military.

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